Monday 3 June 2013

A special tribute to all the victims of June 3rd 2012(Dana air crash)

I still can't believe it's a year already since the ill-fated Dana air crash that claimed all 153 persons on board.It's still very fresh.That is one of Nigeria's worst calamities so far.To all the victims on the plane that black sunday,I say continue to sleep peacefully in the Lord and to their families,a thousand words can't bring your loved ones back,neither will a million tears but the good Lord will continue to make you stronger by the day.I can't put up pictures so as not to reopen  fresh wounds.Let's just observe a minute of silence for all the victims.


  1. Unfortunately I lost someone in d crash.Very dear friend of mine

    1. *sad face* may the good Lord heal your wounds dear

  2. May their souls rest in perfect peace. And may the Lord continue to comfort the families and loved ones they left behind. AMEN.

  3. May their souls rest in peace and May their sins be forgiven, Almighty Allah will strengthen their families

  4. I still remember beautiful Dunni Doherty,all d children on board dat day,i rember like it just happened.may d souls of d faithful departed through d mercy of God RIP.

  5. RIP,nd to my dear uncle,I still can't believe ur gone
