Thursday, 26 September 2013


These are the three hottest chicks in the yoruba movie industry that men are dying to have right about now.I know some ladies will disagree but the men agree 100 percent.Am I right?

L-Iyabo Ojo,Mercy Aigbe and Liz Dasilva.


  1. the bleaching on iyabo's face no get part two.she finished all d cream in d market.i went to d market d other day to buy movate,i hear it haff finished frm d market,na iyabo pack everytin.d annoying part is she forgot other parts of her body.see black hands vs white face.Toun,i no envy dem o,i just dey observe.

  2. U are so funny and right. :-)

  3. Aunty iyabo but wwwwwhy? Mercy is repping these days

  4. Hehe yummy mummy u no lie.bleachers association ltd

  5. Which men are dying 2av dem nah?dey all av coma,iyabo is a divorcee wt two kids,mercy snatched anoda woman's husband and Liz just gave birth to an unknown Man who is probably anoda woman's husband where is d hotness o Toun?

  6. Yh true! Dey are pretty..mercy looks gorgeous,I so love liz n too much nt d rite shade of foundation iyabo but dey all look good tho'

  7. Iyabo Ojo's face is "UP NEPA".. Her face is enough to light up the whole place when it's dark.. Detoun, I agree with u.. Birds of same feather flocks together...Person dey this world wey no get his/her type?

  8. Wow they all look so pale... or is it the flash from the camera or could it be a filter? Lol!
