Wednesday 12 June 2013

Oge Okoye got it right this time:)

In the last week or two,Oge has had it rough with bloggers.Let's give her a break please.You know why?Because She actually got it right this time.Yipeee.She smashed this pinky traditional outfit.It brought out her curves and it sits perfectly on her.I like it.Do you?


  1. She got it right,she looks good but definitely not over the top.

  2. She try small

  3. 'She try small?not over the top'?
    I thot she scored at least an 8 outta 10

  4. Smiles...she try sha.....

  5. and can Oge just explain d white powder on her face?overall d dress try

  6. Oge okoye ,I hope ur mama wld av told u that "the fact that u cannot kiss ur elbow is enough reason to make u realize that some things seems too close yet they are beyond ur reach" Meaning being classy is not ur game girl..just stick to where u are needed.

  7. These my readers ehn! Hopefully,one day she surpasses our expectations

  8. Toun this changes on ur blog is rather too much cos I can't even access stuffs anymore,says my device can't load it cos its too large. Took about 15mins for the home page to open and ds page took about anoda 5mins...not sure I myt be able to deal wv ds tho#sad face# Pls renew if you can PLEASE.

  9. i'm so sorry,I just messed the mobile version up.*tears*
    will fix it soon

  10. Toun,thanks I see you're already trying to fix it buh d background is now plain white*crying*where did all our flowery details disappear to??? Thumbs up on d upgrade tho*kisses Toun* and Xtardess plz liv ma Toun alone oo,she's trying biko!

  11. *covers face n sobs*oh oge I really do luv u but what are we gonna do wif u?More seriously now.pls do sumfin fast.I don't care what it' mags,watch fashion Tv,get a stylist,whateva it's.u're beautiful u need 2 look gud as well.
