Thursday, 11 July 2013

First Lady of EME records Niyola is trying to say something

That she's got toned abs and not too embarrassed to show it to the world.
What do you honestly think of these pictures?Lovely flat tummy I'd say.


  1. Wats dis?so wot if she has a flat tummy?sick pple

  2. nice flat tummy, me love ur blog #myah

  3. Yea nice tummy but I can't remember any of ur song.

    1. I want to believe she's working on her image first and then she drops an album.

    2. She should let her album speak for her and not her body .. Lol

  4. And I use to av dis girls bk.must u join d bandwagon?this is distasteful.not feeling it.
    Mrs G

  5. Detoun,u remember a post u put up abt dis babe in may&yum yum mummy commented d@ she's trying hard..some pple disagreed...well I guess dis is it..
    @Niyola, do u believe some slaps can make a girl miss her period?I bet I owe u one..cos I will impregnate u with a thunderous slap and u will look like someone who has just been dealt a blow in d solar plexus..can u just imagine...& see her ass looking like she's been sitting all her life..will u just get into ur clothes already..cos dis is so not it at all..

  6. Nice body!! She should keep it under wraps for her husband and not for all of the www to see! I might edit this in picture editor and put my head on it LOL!!!

  7. Tired of all dis kinda pics..hian!
