Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Tragic!Colorado Father Takes Selfie With Child Before Killing Her

19 month old Mia with her dad just few minutes before her death.

Moments after posting a photo of his beautiful baby daughter online, a disturbed dad made good on a Facebook threat and killed the toddler with a bullet to her head.
The chilling crime unfolded on social media after the little girl’s mom awoke Monday morning to her estranged baby daddy standing over her bed with a handgun.

The mom fought with her jealous ex-beau and fled to a neighboring apartment where she desperately called 911, cops said.
When police arrived on scene, an officer entered to find Merrick McKoy and little Mia with gunshot wounds, police said.Both were rushed to a local hospital, but only McKoy survived. He was in critical condition.


  1. The heart of Man is desperately wicked

  2. Are u kidding me? ... How can u even think of evil and still go ahead to carry it out... RIP little child ..
